The Earth's is covered in water. That’s every last drop in the oceans, inclouds, in icecaps, in your body. And even less of that is fresh water. All that water together would fill a sphereonly 860 miles (about 1,385 kilometers) in diameter. Water is one of the things that makes Earthso special and without it, life as we know it couldn’t exist. Was our home always a waterpark? If not, how did it all get here? What do we really know about Earth’s H-two-Origins? [INTRO] The solar system formed when a cloud of gasand dust collapsed into a swirling disk. And at least some of that cloud was water. In the orbit where Earth would one day be,the young sun’s intense heat prevented water vapor from condensing on its own. But tiny grains of dust acted as ‘condensationnuclei’ to let droplets form. These tiny debris particles coalesced intoour young planet along with the water they carried. As Earth cooled, rocks in the crust reactedwith chemicals in the early atmosphere to create more wa...
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